Saturday, November 29, 2008

mood: tired

HEY!!! hope you guys had a happy thanksgiving!!! I did! we even made a bonfire. =]

i feel so stupid. i just now figured out the monkey on Livvys blog. oh jeeze. but it was really fun!!! i kinda want one now!

so anyway. see ya!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mood: Wonderingful and happy

I was laying in bed last night staring at my giant lava lamp, and then I wondered this:
What the heck is a lava lamp made out of anyway???
So I walked over and stared at it for awhile, and I came to the conslusion that it looks like it's made out of wax.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mood: hypocritical

I have to say that i am utterly disgusted with myself. I can never stick to personal commitments, and am to lazy to ever do anything. Like, 2 minutes ago i said to myself that i should go running and got all stretched and everything, then here i am wasting away in front of a computer after doing nothing but sit and eat all day.


And the thing is that I'm always giving other people advice and stuff, and seriously i don't even listen to my own advice, which is stupid.

so yeah.